Published 2 years ago • 3 minute read

Trading Cryptocurrency: The Best Performing Trading Platforms in 2021

If you are new to cryptocurrency, you might have noticed how popular it is today. To many, cryptocurrency is not new, as it has been around for many years now. For others, this might be the first time that they are going to learn more about it. There’s no right or wrong timing to cryptocurrency. What matters is your knowledge behind it since cryptocurrency has drawbacks and risks you should watch out for, such as its high volatility.

One of the best things that you could do with cryptocurrency is invest or trade. Yes, there will be tons of risks placed on your hand, but there will always be a reward in the end. If you are new to cryptocurrency and you want to start learning about investing and trading, in this article, we will show you some of the best trading platforms that you could start and help you on your journey. These tools will allow you to exchange different cryptocurrencies securely and hassle-free.

The Best Performing Trading Platforms in 2021


One of the most trusted trading platforms that you will find in the digital market today is Coinbase. The platform started way back in 2012, and it is now one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges. Coinbase’s popularity came from it being one of the fastest and easiest platforms to use. If you are new to crypto trading, Coinbase should be one of your top options when choosing where to invest and trade cryptocurrency.

Coinbase has tons of features to offer. Aside from being one of the easiest platforms to use, Coinbase also has one of the best securities when it comes to your investments. Coinbase offers you a feature wherein you can use a 2-step verification process when you start your account and do transactions. What’s even better is that when you sign up for an account, you will receive a $5 bonus. Once you are inside the platform, you will have tons of tokens and coins that you can choose to invest in. One of the concerns that many people have experienced is that there are high fees when transacting unless you have a subscription to Coinbase Pro.


If you want to have many options when choosing which cryptocurrency, you want to invest in, Binance is one of the best platforms you can use. Binance offers its users a very long list of different cryptocurrencies aside from well-known currencies. The Binance exchange started back in 2017 that focused more on altcoin trading. One of the notable features of Binance is that it offers over a hundred different trading pairs. Today, Binance has become globally dominant in the cryptocurrency exchange market.

Binance has lower fees compared to other exchanging platforms. This makes it ideal to use since, in most cases, fees can play a huge part in choosing the right platform to use. It also has a more advanced charting which you can utilise to better analyse your trading decisions. The drawback is, if you are new to cryptocurrency trading, Binance might not be for you since it’s best suited for more advanced users. Binance also has limited states that it supports, so if you can’t find Binance in the state you are in, it will be hard to utilise the platform.


Platforms that offer the best features are most likely the ones that many users will use. In this case, it’s a great chance to introduce Bisq. It is a trading platform that is decentralised which comes with an open-source exchange that has few requirements. Bisq is a peer-to-peer decentralised cryptocurrency exchange that can be used by many users since it’s a downloadable software. This also means that Bisq is similar to bitcoin in terms of having no central point of failure.

Bisq also has a strong security feature wherein other users will not be able to take control of your account. Your investment and the outcome from it is all yours and can’t be taken by anyone. The platform also has a feature that offers its users many options of fiat currencies to choose from, including USD. As we have mentioned above, Bisq is decentralised, which gives way to better and secure transactions.


There are tons of platforms that you can find on the market today. Choosing a good platform to start trading and investing is important, especially for new users of cryptocurrency. Choose a platform that has features that will give you an upper hand with your cryptocurrency goals.



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