Aptos Labs Launches Aptos Ascend

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The Aptos Labs announced via X on Thursday that it has launched Aptos Ascend, a decentralized financial platform for institutional clients.

The Aptos Labs announced via X on Thursday that it has launched Aptos Ascend, a decentralized financial platform for institutional clients. Aptos Labs partnered with Microsoft, Brevan Howard, and SK Telecom to create Aptos Ascend.

Microsoft supercharges Aptos tech with Azure OpenAI, SKTelecom secures transactions with top-tier Wallet-as-a-Service, while Brevan Howard crafts visionary financial strategies. Finally, BCG offers world-class strategic consulting.

Aptos Ascend will be a a suite of end-to-end institutional solutions including a permissioned network and Digital Asset Controls powered by SKT’s Wallet-as-a-Service product and the scalable, secure Aptos blockchain.

Aptos is a scalable layer-1 blockchain based on Move programming language. APT is the native token of the project. APT is down by 1% and is trading at $9.1423 per coin.

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Hassan Maishera

Hassan is a Nigeria-based financial content creator that has invested in many different blockchain projects, including Bitcoin, Ether, Stellar Lumens, Cardano, VeChain and Solana. He currently works as a financial markets and cryptocurrency writer and has contributed to a large number of the leading FX, stock and cryptocurrency blogs in the world.