Published vor 3 Jahren • 3 minute read

Australian Firm Revolutionizes Voting System

Australian firm Layer2 Technologies is currently developing a revolutionary platform that will assure voting transparency. The news comes after former United States President Donald Trump attempted to manipulate the presidential voting results by putting forth voting fraud accusations. This just goes to show how important voting transparency is to every nation. And this is what Layer2 Technologies is banking on as they develop B-Vote, a multi-purpose voting platform built on the Bitcoin SV blockchain. 

“The idea is that all of the ballots are put in a transparent box, so that everyone can see that there were no votes in the box before there should have been, or that none have been added after they should have been. Once you submit your vote, you can physically see with your own eyes that your vote is going to be included. That’s what blockchain voting allows. It doesn’t fix voting, but it takes a step in the right direction in making it better and more transparent,” Bitcoin Association Ambassador to Australia and LAYER2 Technologies CTO Eli Afram said.

B-Vote can be tailor-fit and adjusted to have transparent features or maximum secrecy, dependant on whether it will be used for something as important as national elections or shareholders’ votes. National elections would necessitate an encrypted voting process, while shareholders’ votes would need to be transparent to build confidence within voters. 

“When we talk to councils and governments, we’re getting the “wow” response, which is a good step because we are getting that visibility – which is half the battle. We’ve proven that the throughput can handle it, the technology and transparency of it all is there. It’s ready to go – we just need to work with the right government to implement it,” Afram recounted.

Ballots on Blockchain

While Layer2 Technologies’ ultimate goal is for B-Vote to be used for such a momentous event as a public election, it is also available for smaller scale voting events like questionnaires, surveys and even just asking for feedback from consumers. Versatility is the key feature of B-Vote. It has a simple and customizable interface that has the capacity to complete the most complex of computations at the backend. B-Vote has also teamed up with MetaStreme to make the voting platform available to non-Bitcoin users. 

“That’s how you get adoption – by not expecting people to know or understand what blockchain is. The average user just wants to know that they’ve submitted the form and that their response was collected,” Afram stated.

Bitcoin SV is the only blockchain technology that can accommodate B-Vote as it can record massive amounts of data that will be generated from such an event as a public election, at the same time providing professional-grade security that allows for low-cost and instant microtransactions. The Bitcoin SV blockchain was developed according to how original Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned it to be more than a decade ago. And now, with more than 400 businesses and developers working with the Bitcoin SV ecosystem, it is well on its way to global adoption. 



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