Particle Network Launches BTC Connect: First Account Abstraction Protocol for BTC Ecosystem

Twitter icon  •  Published 4ヶ月前  •  Nikolas Sargeant

Particle Network has undertaken the task of crafting tools that cater to the requirements of both developers and Web3 end-users.

Particle Network, a prominent Wallet-as-a-service company, has unveiled BTC Connect, heralded as the inaugural Account Abstraction protocol for Bitcoin. This EVM-compatible protocol empowers developers in the Bitcoin and Ordinal ecosystem, fostering innovation and collaboration in unexplored domains.

Incorporating Bitcoin inscriptions and Ordinals has ignited an unparalleled surge in innovation and progress within the leading blockchain in the cryptocurrency realm. From the emergence of new Layer 2 solutions to the development of fully-fledged Metaverses and DeFi-compatible tools, the Bitcoin ecosystem has regained its dynamism, drawing in fresh cohorts of creators, intellectuals, and enthusiasts.

Particle Network has undertaken the task of crafting tools that cater to the requirements of both developers and Web3 end-users. Their Modular Smart Wallet-as-a-Service stack has garnered significant attention, boasting 800+ integrations, the creation of over 15 million wallets, and close to 1 million ERC-4337 UserOperations spanning various chains.

In response to the latest strides in Bitcoin technology and harnessing the EVM compatibility of new Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions, BTC Connect aims to extend the adoption of the account abstraction framework to Bitcoin, marking a pioneering move. This development is poised to facilitate developers in constructing applications ready for mass-market adoption, capitalizing on the distinctive security and intrinsic value offered by the Bitcoin network.

So, what exactly is BTC Connect? Leveraging the ERC-4337 design and compatibility with Layer 2 EVM chains, BTC Connect introduces a Smart Account, Paymaster, Bundler, and a unique Bitcoin-specific Modal. In the dynamic landscape of Ordinals and inscriptions, developers can empower users with features like gasless trades and account programmability. Moreover, all existing Bitcoin wallets gain the capability to control Smart Accounts on Layer-2s, opening up a plethora of possibilities for decentralized applications (dApps) and further intertwining Bitcoin with the smart contract ecosystem.

In essence, BTC Connect simplifies the intricacies associated with accounts and transactions to drive value and continuously attract new users to Bitcoin applications.

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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.