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여러분의 개인 키는 제 3자가 저장하고 있으며, 쉽게 전근할 수 있습니다 • 중간 익명성 • 사용이 편리합니다


Yes 구매 & 판매 No 상품권 & 기프트 카드 No 체크카드

지원 플랫폼

iOS, Android

Freewallet describe themselves as "a guide to the crypto world created to simplify crypto specifics and make access to coins easier".

The Freewallet Family includes dedicated wallets for 100+ popular cryptocurrencies available on Android and iOS, as well as a Multi-currency wallet app with a web interface. We used to list a few of these dedicated wallets separately in our Cryptocurrency Wallet List, but as of 18 January 2021 we have consolidated them to this page instead.

A more detailed review of Freewallet will follow here shortly.