Pemex Pulse Season 3: New Features and Prizes Enhance Social Trading Experience

Twitter icon  •  Published för 3 veckor sedan  •  Nikolas Sargeant

Phemes has kicked off Season 3 of Pulse, announcing updates plus a big prize pool of 10,000 PT every day.

Phemes has kicked off Season 3 of Pulse, announcing updates plus a big prize pool of 10,000 PT every day. PhemexPulse as a top social trading platform is very happy to bring in new functions meant to improve the experience for users and give them rewards when they take part.

A significant new feature is "Casting Your Insights," which lets users share what they know, their experiences, and suggestions with the Pulse community. Through sharing their understanding, users can take part in valuable conversations and add to the lively social trading environment.

The other new feature is the tipping function, allowing users to show gratitude for content they find useful. This tipping helps reward the creators for their work and increases their possibility of getting money from the daily prize pool. For every advice given, participants gather points and raise their portion of the 10,000 PT reward.

Gaining points on Pulse is simple, as users get points when their material gets tips from other people. Also, if a person gives tips to others' content, they help add money to the prize pool for the next day. The platform uses a layered method to figure out profits on content that gets tips, giving more money for the posts that do best.

  • Top 10% content: 50% return on points

  • 11% to 30% content: 30% return

  • Remaining 70% content: 5% return

The daily 10,000 PT prize is split among users based on the points they have gathered in comparison to everyone's points, then multiplied by 10,000 PT. Every day when it reaches 23:59:59 UTC time, the point count starts over again so people can try for prizes from scratch the next day.

PhemexPulse's goal is to encourage people to be active online and at the same time, strengthen the community feeling that is very common in the world of cryptocurrency. The newest updates for Pulse Season 3 offer a better experience for social trading and many chances for users to get involved, gain knowledge, and make money as part of its growing community. Read more about this top exchange and sign up directly from our Phemex review

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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.