Masa Network Wraps Up CoinList Community Sale in a Remarkable 17-Minute Sprint

Twitter icon  •  Published 4개월 전  •  Nikolas Sargeant

Masa Network celebrates a groundbreaking success as its CoinList Community Sale raises $8.75 million in just 17 minutes, oversubscribed by 6.4 times.

On March 7th, 2024, Masa, the foremost decentralized personal data network globally, proudly announces the unprecedented success of its MASA Community Sale hosted on CoinList. In a remarkable feat, community participants swiftly acquired the entire initial allocation of 63,554,660 MASA Tokens, equivalent to $5,000,000, within a mere 17 minutes. The overwhelming demand extended to the additional token allocation, resulting in a total of $8,750,000 raised during the sale.

The Masa Community Sale experienced a remarkable oversubscription of 6.4 times, reflecting a demand that significantly surpassed the available token supply. Out of 52,606 registrants, only 6%—3,285 individuals—successfully secured the initial allocation. These fortunate buyers are set to receive 25% of their tokens upon MASA's listing on centralized exchanges, expected on or around April 11th, 2024. The remaining tokens will follow a 6-month linear vesting schedule.

Calanthia Mei, Co-founder of Masa Network, expressed gratitude for the resounding response, stating, "The overwhelming response to our community sale reaffirms our community's trust in Masa's vision. In the new AI era, data is the new oil. Users deserve to own, share, and earn from their data."

Masa proudly joins the ranks of distinguished projects that have conducted their community token sales on CoinList, such as Solana, Filecoin, Algorand, Near, Immutable X, and others.

The MASA token, serving as the native utility and governance token for the Masa Network, operates as a gas token on the Masa Avalanche Subnet and adheres to the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum Mainnet. The token's accessibility will expand to the BNB Smart Chain at launch, with plans for further expansion onto Avalanche, Polygon, Base, Celo, and more.

Positioned as the world's leading personal data network, Masa empowers users to own, share, and earn from their data while providing privacy-protected data for AI developers. Notable partnerships have already been established with projects accessing the Masa Data Network, including Injective, QuickSwap, ZkSync, and others.

In response to the current landscape where personal data is exploited without consent, Masa is pioneering Zero-Knowledge Soulbound Tokens (zkSBTs), an encryption technology that functions as a cookie-less personal data locker. Masa envisions returning control of personal data to users, allowing anyone with an internet connection to contribute their data and earn passive rewards in the form of MASA tokens.

With an ambitious development roadmap and a portfolio of exciting partnerships, Masa's vision for revolutionizing the data economy takes a significant step towards realization following the successful CoinList sale.

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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.