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WazirX Token


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WazirX (WRX) Price Crashes 50% Following Binance Delisting and Fresh Probe

WazirX (WRX) Price Crashes 50% Following Binance Delisting and Fresh Probe

Binance's delisting of WazirX (WRX) triggers a 50% price drop, compounded by legal challenges and investor concerns. Other tokens AKRO and BLZ also affected.

 Nikolas Sargeant
WazirX (WRX) has gained over 30% In the last 24 hours

WazirX (WRX) has gained over 30% In the last 24 hours

WazirX (WRX) has experienced over a 30% price increase since yesterday, with the price of the token hovering around $1.02

 Mark Weaden


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바이낸스 (Binance)

4.1 based on 2412 votes


3.9 based on 339 votes

쿠코인 (KuCoin)

3.89 based on 1118 votes


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Unstoppable Wallet

3.68 based on 241 votes


Learn more about WazirX Token.

A review of WazirX Token will be prepared by someone in our team and published here soon. Check out our Exchange Filters in the meantime to find a platform where this crypto can be traded.