
All the latest news about Kusama Coin

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Bifrost Launches LoopStake: Simplified Leverage Staking for Polkadot Ecosystem

Bifrost Launches LoopStake: Simplified Leverage Staking for Polkadot Ecosystem

Bifrost introduces LoopStake, offering a simplified one-click leverage staking solution for Polkadot assets, aiming to democratize crypto asset management with increased yield opportunities.

 Nikolas Sargeant
Bifrost Receives 500,000 DOT Treasury Liquidity Loan from Polkadot

Bifrost Receives 500,000 DOT Treasury Liquidity Loan from Polkadot

Liquid staking platform Bifrost has secured a 500,000 DOT treasury liquidity loan from Polkadot and will use the funds to boost the growth of its vDOT.

 Hassan Maishera
Nomination Pools Are Now Live On The Kusama Network

Nomination Pools Are Now Live On The Kusama Network

The Kusama team announced in a Medium post on Monday that the nomination pools are now live on its network.

 Hassan Maishera


Find the exchange with the lowest fees, best methods for depositing or your geographical area and start trading Kusama Coin

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바이비트 (Bybit)

4.35 based on 4599 votes

바이낸스 (Binance)

4.1 based on 2412 votes

페멕스 (Phemex)

4.02 based on 985 votes


Want to leave your cash at home? These cards support Kusama Coin.

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3.46 based on 785 votes


3.23 based on 142 votes


3.07 based on 215 votes


So you've made a little Kusama Coin and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!

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4.71 based on 7 votes


Find the wallet that suit your security, ease of use and anonymity needs for Kusama Coin.

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Ledger Nano X

3.88 based on 50 votes


Learn more about Kusama Coin.

One of the writers in our team will prepare a detailed review of Kusama Coin in due course. Stay tuned!