Published hace 1 año • 4 minute read

The Rise of ChatGPT: How New Technologies Will Affect Our Future

Since the rise of the internet, content has always been plentiful. In fact, on YouTube alone, 30,000 hours of content are uploaded per hour. So we are no strangers to filtering out the fluff to find what we are looking for. But the emerging ChatGPT chatbot has enabled anyone to create infinite amounts of content in minutes.

But what does this mean for humans? Are we all losing our jobs? Will we be watching AI-generated TV shows in the future? Or is the concern about ChatGPT blown out of proportion?

This article dissects these questions and discusses the latest AI developments and how they could affect our future.

What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI. It is trained on vast datasets with Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). This means the chatbot has trainers who rank its responses and reward the chatbot for the best ones.

Over time, the chatbot can gather context on subjects and predict what the prompt means based on its language, thanks to the massive amounts of data it is trained on.

The ChatGPT Story So Far

Created by OpenAI, the first series of ChatGPT launched in 2018 based on around 117 million parameters. Following the first release, ChatGPT 2 launched in 2019 and was trained on 1.5 billion parameters.

However, the next rendition was far more powerful. ChatGPT 3 was trained on 175 billion parameters and launched in 2020. After this, ChatGPT 3.5 launched and finally, ChatGPT 4, which is rumoured to have almost 1 trillion parameters (although there is no official data on this).

ChatGPT took the world by storm when it was released to the public on November 30, 2022. Initially, it was free to use, but ChatGPT Plus, which grants you access to the newest version, costs $20 per month.

ChatGPT and other AI tools created a lot of panic and uncertainty at the time of their release. You could now do what used to take humans hours in seconds with a couple of chatbot prompts.

At the time of writing this, ChatGPT is over four months old, so what have we learned so far?


Two critical issues separate AI chatbots from human-generated work. The first is truthfulness.

While AI can be good for generating inspiration and ideas, using it as a research tool is a dangerous game. For example, suppose you asked ChatGPT about next cryptocurrencies that could potentially explode. AI only provides what it perceives to be the correct answer based on its training parameters. How do you know the chatbot is correct?

The second limitation is relevance. The skill of creative roles is understanding the purpose behind a task. For example, suppose you are creating a graphic for a crypto project aiming to be the next cryptocurrency that could potentially explode.

You need to consider what problems the crypto solves, who the graphic is for, their journey until this point, their awareness of crypto, current beliefs and much more.

In order words, creative roles are highly nuanced and circumstantial. Most of the time, it would be quicker to carry out the task yourself than deliver a range of prompts and then make edits and adjustments.

ChatGPT is an excellent tool for quickly gathering information or completing menial tasks, such as writing a generic email. On the other hand, with an ever-increasing amount of data at our fingertips, there is an even greater need for true experts and critical thinking.

Are we about to lose our jobs? 

Yes. Many people already have. Any job requiring little collaboration and regurgitating other people's work is at risk.

Furthermore, the days of a business's only competitive advantage being to pump out the most content are over.

But for the rest of the jobs, at best, ChatGPT is a tool that can make your life easier, and at worst, you will notice no real difference in your career thanks to ChatGPT.

If you work in the creative field, for example, as a graphic designer, copywriter, videographer, or software engineer, the good news is that ChatGPT can be an excellent research tool. With the correct prompts, you can generate infinite ideas using it (perfect for when you are feeling flat or have brain fog). 

But could those chatbot responses take your job altogether? Most likely not. Here’s why.

The reason creatives have jobs is to create unique work relevant to the task at hand. While ChatGPT and other AI tools are fantastic at quickly pumping out large amounts of data, everyone has access to the same technology. 

Ultimately, this means all AI content will be of a similar standard, and even with AI prompts like “adjust the tone of this answer to X”, it is still near impossible for one AI response to stand out from others.

In this regard, a sea of AI content means human-generated content will become more important than ever for businesses to stand out above the competition. That said, generic responses are only the beginning of limitations relating to AI.


Many people have tested AI for truthfulness, only to find that AI can lie and will try to cover its tracks if questioned. Moreover, AI sometimes delivers contradicting responses to prompts because it is trained on many different data sources. 

With this in mind, AI lacks the critical analysis of humans, acting more like somebody who uses copy and paste without cross-checking sources and factuality.

AI can be a quick way to get the answer to a query, but you must cross-check it somewhere else too. 



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