District0x (DNT) Has Surged 28% Since Yesterday

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District0x (DNT) has surged 28% in the last 24 hours, with the price of the native token now around $0.14 as of 12:35 (CEST)

District0x (DNT) has surged 28% in the last 24 hours, with the price of the native token now around $0.14 as of 12:35 (CEST). In a Tweet published on the 7th of April, district0x released the latest edition of District Monthly, which details plans to launch its Meme Factory on Polygon (MATIC), as well as plans for DappStream updates. 

DNT is built on the Ethereum blockchain and aims to “build a network of decentralized markets and communities.” The current market capitalization of district0x (DNT) is $90.12M at the time of press.

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Mark Weaden

Mark Weaden is a British researcher and crypto enthusiast, living in Barcelona. His work has been published on a variety of leading cryptocurrency sites.