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With More Than 120,000 Nodes Worldwide, Minima Surpasses Bitcoin’s Distribution

The super-lean blockchain machine better known as Minima is about as decentralized as it’s possible to be after growing to exceed more than 120,000 nodes across the globe, surpassing the distribution of Bitcoin. 

Minima is designed as a lightweight base layer protocol that aims to provide all of the benefits of blockchain without its intensive resource overheads, while reducing vulnerabilities. 

The platform can operate globally using existing infrastructure that isn’t exclusive. Whereas Bitcoin requires expensive, highly specialized hardware to mine, Minima runs on consumer-grade devices, greatly expanding its potential for adoption. The platform is unique because every single user can participate in building and maintaining its blockchain on a mobile phone or “Internet of Things” device. Location doesn’t matter either, so long as the device has an internet connection. 

Minima’s incredible scalability also ensures its network is censorship resistant, as there is no centralized authority that can prevent users from distributing information across its blockchain. 

Participating in the Minima protocol is as simple as downloading an application. The protocol uses an alternative Proof of Work consensus mechanism that requires minimal processing power, enabling it to run on almost any kind of device. At the same time, it still supports token transfers and smart contract functionality. 

On reaching its 120,000 node milestone, Minima explained that complete nodes are the backbone of any decentralized network. It argues that many blockchains struggle to gain such a high level of distribution because the more the network grows, the greater the value of its token increases. When a platform’s token is too expensive, that prohibits many people from being able to run a node, resulting in exclusion and a specialized class of miners or stakers who have significant power over it. 

“Only when everyone can run the same version of the blockchain, with no hierarchy, can people truly enjoy the benefits of complete decentralization-empowered freedom and prosperity,” said Minima CEO and founder Hugo Feiler. 

Minima said that not only is its platform now more decentralized and distributed than Bitcoin, but also incredibly resistant to attacks. With such a vast amount of nodes, it has become very difficult for a malicious actor to gain control of the network. 


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