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Optimism Token


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Uniswap Labs Unveils Uniswap v4

Uniswap Labs Unveils Uniswap v4

On Friday, Uniswap Labs announced via X that it has launched Uniswap v4, and it is now live on Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, OP Mainnet, Base, BNB Chain, Blast, World Chain, Avalanche, and Zora Network.

 Hassan Maishera
Sony’s Public Blockchain Soneium Goes Live on Mainnet

Sony’s Public Blockchain Soneium Goes Live on Mainnet

Sony’s public blockchain platform Soneium has launched on mainnet and will focus on protecting creators’ rights and equitable value distribution between creators and fans.

 Hassan Maishera
The Pyth x Optimism Rebate Progam is Now Live

The Pyth x Optimism Rebate Progam is Now Live

On Monday, the Pyth Network announced via X that the Pyth x Optimism Rebate Program is now live.

 Hassan Maishera


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바이낸스 (Binance)

4.1 based on 2412 votes

크립토닷컴 거래소(Crypto.com Exchange)

3.45 based on 621 votes


3.22 based on 390 votes


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Ambire Wallet

3.89 based on 9 votes


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We will try to publish a brief review of Optimism Token in the near future, as soon as one of our writers becomes available.