UK Lawmakers Urge Government Action on Crypto and Blockchain Skills Development

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Member of Parliament Lisa Cameron is advocating for comprehensive digital skills development across all levels of education and employment.

In a unanimous plea, members of the UK Parliament are calling on the government to prioritize investment in cultivating expertise relevant to the burgeoning fields of crypto, blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Chairing a recent debate on the subject, Member of Parliament Lisa Cameron emphasized the importance of integrating digital skills into early education and ongoing professional training.

Cameron stressed the necessity for significant efforts and resources in education, training, and skill-building to fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by the digital economy's growth and to fulfill the UK's ambition of becoming a leading tech powerhouse.

While the UK government has taken steps to position the country as a crypto hub through regulatory measures, Cameron believes more action is required. Employers in the digital sector frequently express difficulty in finding qualified talent, underscoring the urgency of addressing the skills gap.

Cameron urged for enhanced collaboration with blockchain firms like Ripple, Circle, and Tether, highlighting their initiatives in supporting education and research.

Responding to the concerns raised, UK Minister for Skills Luke Hall acknowledged the pressing need to address digital skills shortages, citing an estimated annual cost of £63 billion to the UK economy.

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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.