Published hace 1 año • 3 minute read

Upwork, Fiverr, Or Uwerx (WERX) – What Is The Best Freelance Platform For Hiring Top Talents?

Freelancing is fast becoming a reliable option for companies and workers. Companies like Unilever, Meta, and Google are working to establish a flexible workforce to accommodate the influx of freelance workers. This is mainly due to uncertain economic situations in the world.

Freelancing platforms are responsible for bringing freelancers and employers to the same space; some famous ones are Upwork and Fiverr. There are also new platforms to accommodate the influx of people. One such platform is Uwerx, a soon-to-be-launched freelance platform projected as the future of freelancing.

Upwork, Fiverr, Or Uwerx (WERX) – What Is The Best Freelance Platform For Hiring Top Talents

Fiverr: The Pioneer of Freelancing 

As a freelance beginner, you would have come across Fiverr. It has been an industry leader since its launch in 2010. Since the 2020 pandemic hit, Fiverr has grown in talent type available for hire and the number of companies willing to hire. Companies are looking for independent talent to meet their demands and increase productivity. And to them, Fiverr is the place to go.

However, freelancers have no coverage; most are fleeced off their jobs. There is also the case of impersonation of reputable companies by fraudsters and the exorbitant 20% transaction fee collected on all projects.

Upwork: A Somewhat Generic Freelancing Marketplace

Upwork is a popular freelance marketplace connecting different employers to independent workers all over the world. It has no work limits and operates on a bidding system with no fixed price. The freelancers set the price range that works for them, and the employers pick the price that suits them for the job they offer.

Upwork boasts of a lower price point than Fiverr and payment protection. But it still has scammers issues, and there is no vetting procedure for the freelancers. In addition, Upwork lacks customer support, making it ill-equipped to tackle most buyers’ and sellers’ issues. It retains a 20% transaction fee for any project taken on by any freelancer.

Uwerx (WERX): The Evolution of The Freelancing Industry

Many freelancing platforms have been created to tackle the issues faced by Fiverr and Upwork, but they all have done a shoddy job. The solution has always been out of sight until now. However, the best and brightest minds have come together to build the platform that will alleviate these problems; its name is Uwerx. 

Uwerx will run on a decentralized network similar to crypto agencies. This technology will reduce the need for a middleman and enable easy transmission between freelancers and employers. Also, compared to Fiverr’s 20% and Upwork’ 1% transaction fee. Uwerx will only charge 5%. This will ensure the best talents are paid handsomely for doing and delivering a good job to their clients – the days of “slave work” are coming to an end! 

The Paradigm Shift

2023 is a growth year for many workers and companies; hiring managers seek more freelancers to augment the reduced workforce in the coming months. Upwork and Fiverr are becoming incapable of handling such tasks. Fortunately, Uwerx will likely accommodate the influx of talent into the freelancing industry.

Uwerx is currently making a name in the cryptocurrency industry with a presale of $0.005 on its WERX token. The token is predicted to cross the $1.20 mark by Q3 2023. Uwerx will offer a 25-year liquidity lock on all tokens at the end of the presale. 

More importantly, Uwerx has implemented exciting strategies to ensure their investors’ funds are well-secured. And we can confirm this, thanks to the audit by the InterFi Network and SolidProof. Similarly, the team pioneering Uwerx has decided to renounce the project’s contract ownership as soon as taxes are reduced to zero (at this point it will be ready for listing on centralized exchanges) ensuring all investors have equal access and shutting potential backdoors that may cause rug pulls. 

Need to learn more about the future of freelancing, Uwerx? Don’t hesitate to follow the links below and earn more from a 20% purchase bonus:







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