Published 2년 전 • 2 minute read

PR: Partners With TON to support the TON Ecosystem, the leading high-performance crypto exchange, will be partnering with TON (The Open Network) in several areas to form a strategic partnership to develop, enhance and expand the TON Ecosystem. The platform will be utilizing its trusted security partner, Cactus Custody, to support TON's native token custody by the end of March 2022. Partners With TON to support the TON Ecosystem listed TON in early January 2022, and will also be supporting the TON native token deposit and withdrawal on its platform.’s sister platform - Matrixport has supported the TON Swap, exchanging from TON to USDT or USDC immediately . The partners will also be exploring the possibility of adding TON on the Maxiport as well as’s savings product in the near future. 

“After learning about TON’s history and roadmap, as well as observing the performance of TON after’s listing. We are convinced about TON’s potential. and Matrixport have a rich variety of product offerings including trading tools and asset management tools, we are very happy to work with TON and would like to embrace TON in our various products,”  noted Toya Zhang, Chief Marketing Officer of 

“Matrixport is the first world’s leading CeFi platform to offer a variety of institutional grade services that are vital to the TON ecosystem. Custody and escrow solutions in addition to the innovative asset management products provide a great value for institutions and retails alike. We are excited for Matrixport and’s support.” added Steve Yun, Founding Member of TON Foundation.  

About is a full-suite cryptocurrency exchange launched by Matrixport, an integrated financial services firm headquartered in Singapore. Since August 2020, has been online supporting the perpetual, futures, and options products of BTC, ETH, and BCH, with a particular highlight being pioneers to launch BCH options. Trading volume-wise, is the second-largest in the BTC and ETH options market. is part of the Matrixport family and the burgeoning crypto finance space. is committed to providing price discovery, trading strategy execution, and liquidity provision services while constantly driving financial product innovation, listing selective tokens for our users.   

About TON

TON is a third-generation proof-of-stake blockchain designed in 2018 by the Durov brothers, the founders of Telegram Messenger. Later, it was handed over to the open TON Community, which has been supporting and developing it ever since. TON was designed for lightning-fast transactions. It's ultra-cheap, user-friendly, and fully operational.



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