Published vor 1 Jahr • 4 minute read

Metacade Scores Perfect 99/99 on DEX Tools While Continuing to Gain Support From Investors

Decentralized cryptocurrency market analysis platform DEX Tools has given Metacade a perfect 99/99 score, making it one of the most trustworthy crypto projects. Now its MCADE token is available on crypto exchanges like Uniswap and Bitmart for traders and investors to buy.

This perfect score on DEX Tools has boosted Metacade as it continues to build momentum during its early floatation on the exchanges mentioned above, following its incredible performance during its sold-out presale event. Here’s why investors continue to flock to this new exciting GameFi token.

How does DEX Tools work?

DEX Tools is an ecosystem that provides information on all cryptocurrency markets by comparing two token pairs across multiple blockchains and DeFi products. DEX Tools integrates on-chain data into a single user interface to provide investors with a full report on their trades and the performance of the broader cryptocurrency market.

With DEX Tools trusted by DeFi traders around the world and seen as both an industry standard and innovative space in cryptocurrency markets, the higher the score a platform receives, the better the quality and security of the tool. This makes it an attractive opportunity for investors and traders seeking new crypto ventures.

What is Metacade?

Metacade aims to become a leading light in the GameFi sector, planning to create the world's largest play-to-earn (P2E) gaming arcade. It will be a one-stop shop for all things gaming where gamers, developers, and crypto fans can network and collaborate to push crypto gaming to new heights while indulging their main passion, gaming. To achieve its aim of building the most extensive global gaming community, Metacade will broaden its appeal to cater to a vast range of gaming interests, helping it achieve its maximum total addressable market (TAM).

Possession of the MCADE token unlocks access to the vast range of features in Metacade while taking advantage of the extensive utility built into the coin. Part of this utility is in the platform’s comprehensive rewards system extending beyond the usual P2E capability. For example, users can pick up rewards each time they post social content on the hub through game reviews, alpha sharing, and participation in live chats and sub-forums.

Cryptocurrency traders and investors love community-led governance because it forms a central theme of the  ideals behind Web3 decentralization. Metacade’s transition toward becoming a decentralized autonomous organization by 2024 will see Metacade become an entirely community-led platform. Metacade underwent a rigorous CertiK audit that verified the team’s identity and platform coding to ensure quality and security. Meanwhile, the outstanding project road map in its whitepaper outlines the team’s commitment to concise, detailed decision-making.

How does MCADE work?

The MCADE coin provides powerful utility while directing governance rights toward the community. In addition, the token is the primary currency fueling Metacade’s ecosystem, from the comprehensive rewards system to providing a medium of exchange for all on-platform transactions, from buying merch to accessing pay-to-play games.

To preserve the value of MCADE tokens, Metacade has limited the total overall supply to 2 billion, ensuring that DEXs aren’t flooded by unwanted MCADE coins, something that would drive the price of MCADE down. The excellent tokenomics are another part of the exciting and attractive package contributing to Metacade’s perfect score on DEX Tools.

To illustrate the increasing level of utility and governance available to MCADE coin holders, the platform’s pioneering Metagrants scheme is one of the jewels in the crown. Designed to encourage new developers to submit their ideas for new games exclusive to Metacade in return for crypto funding to support their ventures. Each idea goes into a pool, voted on by the platform’s MCADE community. The submissions that receive the most votes receive grant funding and go into production.

The community-led focus of Metagrants is a crucial facet of the devolution of voting powers to the members, driving user retention to unprecedented levels while attracting an ever-increasing user base and increasing innovation in the GameFi sector to greater heights.

How high can MCADE go?

The perfect score on DEX Tools is one of many ways MCADE looks set to continue the tremendous momentum generated through its presale event that rapidly raised $16.4 million. At the beginning of April, the token was listed on Uniswap at $0.022. However, since then, a listing on Bitmart has happened, and other listings are imminent, for example, on MEXC in early May. Therefore buying pressure on MCADE will likely increase.

Analysts are predicting that this buying pressure, increasing user base, and the continual evolution of the platform as new games are added, along with a market-leading rewards system, will drive MCADE to ever higher levels. As a result, some experts predict MCADE attaining $0.50 by the end of 2023 and then beyond $2.50 by the end of 2025.

Is MCADE a good investment?

Receiving a perfect score on DEX Tools is a challenging task to achieve and builds invaluable trust in Metacade’s platform, project team, and plans. The result is bound to be increased investor confidence and a solid price base.

MCADE is set to be one of the leading GameFi platforms in the coming months and years and will take the cryptocurrency gaming market by storm. With the platform in its infancy, and several new technical features rolling out later this year, there is a lot of potential for this exciting blockchain gaming coin. It is possibly one of the better cryptocurrency market investment options this year.

You can find more information here, including how to buy MCADE.



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