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Comparison of Cryptocurrency Wallet Methods: Exchange, Hot Wallet, and Cold Wallet

With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, the secure storage and management of digital assets have become increasingly vital. Cryptocurrency wallets play an important role in offering a safe and convenient solution for storing these digital currencies. However, it's important to note that there are multiple types of wallets to choose from, each offering its own advantages and potential risks.

Today more and more people choose non-custodial crypto wallets. With a non-custodial wallet as a service, users can create and manage their cryptocurrency wallets through a third-party platform. The service provider ensures that consumers retain ownership over their private keys while facilitating the technological infrastructure and tools needed for wallet creation, storage, and transactions. The three most popular ways to store cryptocurrency wallets are cryptocurrency exchanges, hot wallets, and cold wallets, which we shall compare in this post.

Hot Wallet

A hot wallet is an online and networked cryptocurrency wallet. You can see the number of tokens you have readily accessible for use and transfer and receive cryptocurrencies using it.

Suitable for:

  • Cautious long-term investors: If you purchase cryptocurrencies at a favorable price (e.g., during a market downturn or shortly after launch) with the intention of holding them for a year or two, it may be better to keep them in an external wallet. This helps avoid the temptation of exchanging the asset for something else or selling it during a local downturn.

  • DeFi investors: To engage in yield farming, staking, swaps, and IDOs, a wallet like MetaMask, Trust Wallet, etc. is necessary to connect to applications. However, it's important to consider that the risks of hacking in DeFi are higher compared to centralized exchanges. In 2021, hackers stole around $10 billion, and losses from fraudulent DeFi projects, where organizers disappear with the funds, should also be taken into account.

  • Secure storage: Safely store the secret phrase in a secure place, avoiding email or computer files. For example, write it on paper and hide the papers in different secure locations at home or a country house, or store it on a dedicated USB flash drive kept in a desk drawer and used exclusively for this purpose.


Numerous computer viruses can find and copy login credentials, including passwords for cryptocurrency wallets, stored on a computer. These malicious programs often masquerade as useful software or games.

Scammers employ various tactics to trick users into revealing their wallet's secret phrase and password. They impersonate project team members, create fake pages, and employ other deceptive techniques.

Cold Wallet

Cold wallets are small devices that store private keys offline, without an internet connection. Hackers and scammers cannot steal such a key, except during moments when the wallet is connected to a computer.

Suitable for: 

Long-term investors with assets valued at $1000 or more. A cold wallet like Ledger Nano costs $60-150 and is specifically designed for cryptocurrency storage. However, it cannot be used for making crypto purchases or engaging in DeFi activities.


Fraudsters have also targeted cold wallets. In the past, fake Ledger extensions frequently appeared in the Chrome browser, stealing private keys and cryptocurrencies. Ledger has since introduced a new type of application that is much more difficult to fake. Nevertheless, it is essential to remain vigilant as criminals may find new ways to deceive users.

Cryptocurrency Exchange

Suitable for: 

  • Active investors who buy cryptocurrencies during market downturns and sell at peaks. Keeping funds on an exchange helps save on deposit and withdrawal fees, and ensures timely entry points without delays on blockchain networks. Exchanges are also convenient for creating a diversified portfolio of assets issued on different blockchains (ETH, BTC, SOL, DOT, etc.) as multiple wallets are not required.

  • Secure storage: It is advisable to choose a reliable regulated platform. Regulated cryptocurrency exchanges comply with legal requirements, reducing the risk of sudden closure. They often offer convenient options like purchasing cryptocurrencies with a bank card at favorable exchange rates and minimal fees.


Major cryptocurrency exchanges continuously work to prevent hacking attempts by maintaining large security departments. Reputable exchanges typically compensate for any losses resulting from theft. Moreover, hackers are increasingly focusing on DeFi rather than exchanges, reducing this risk.

Scammers may create replica cryptocurrency exchange websites with similar addresses and send emails urging clients to urgently log in. By gaining access to login credentials, criminals can attempt to withdraw funds from the actual account.

Unregulated cryptocurrency exchanges may face closure by authorities or bans in certain countries, making fund withdrawal impossible in some cases.


No matter which method you choose, it's important to focus on keeping your cryptocurrency safe. The type of cryptocurrency wallet you use depends on your own goals, how much risk you're comfortable with, and what you plan to do with your cryptocurrencies.



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