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ZenCash Coin


Learn more about ZenCash Coin.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This is review of ZenCash.


ZenCash is a crypto currency that aims at offering superior privacy for its users. ZenCash launched in May 2017 as an advanced version of Zclassic. Most noteworthy is that the newer fork had advanced security features for complete encryption.

ZenCash comes from a very powerful idea of creating a sustainable and robust ecosystem for cryptocurrencies. However, the idea moves way beyond the conventional crypto currency world. Consequently, the main intention for the Zen platform is to develop into a complete peer-to-peer system for monetary transactions, communication and media sharing.

  • Zen is a privacy platform. The technology behind this platform is “zero knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge” (zk-SNARKs).
  • The cryptocurrency has a decentralized architecture with secure nodes rather than mining nodes. ZenCash coins are the first crypto coins that have comprehensive and end-to-end encryption for node and internode level.
  • ZenCash coins allow two types of transactions: regular (T) and private (Z). Regular transactions are rather similar to Bitcoin transactions. Z addresses are total private transactions (shielded transactions).
  • ZenCash coin has been one of the top coins for mining for profitability. Here are some pros of investing in zen cash coin.
  • The unique combination of different top-notch technologies gives Zen platform the potential to lead the world of innovation. Since it is a very secure and privacy oriented system with governance, it has immense opportunities like hosting of individual data, decentralized banking services, mutual aid societies etc. This potentially makes ZenCash coin one of the top world crypto currencies to invest in.
  • ZenCash coins are fully compatible with Bitcoins and Z-derived wallets, exchanges and applications. Therefore, it increases their tradability in the world of crypto currencies.
  • A recent partnership between ZenCash and Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), an R&D company for providing financial solutions has further enhanced the innovative aspect of the Zen platform. Strategies like these can make ZenCash one of the best crypto coins to invest in for you.
  • There are a number of wallet options to store ZenCash coins. These include desktop, web, android and paper wallets.

ZenCash coins operate on a completely encrypted protocol. The system shields the details of sender, receiver as well as the transferred amount. Thus, investors of ZenCash coin are weary that in the event a bug is discovered in the source code, auditing of the private coin supply poses a plethora of challenges.

Despite the slight risk mentioned above, ZenCash coins is still considered attractive investments in the world of virtual currencies owing to the novelty and scope of their back-end system.