Published hace 11 meses • 2 minute read

Alex The Doge (ALEX) Vs Big Eyes (BIG) - Who will Provide Investors with 100x Gain on Launch?

The world of meme-based cryptocurrencies continues to surprise and captivate investors with new contenders vying for the spotlight. Two such coins, Alex The Doge (ALEX) and Big Eyes (BIG), are making waves, sparking a fascinating comparison. Investors are keenly eyeing both these tokens as potential launchpad investments, but the question remains: which one will provide investors with a 100x gain on launch?

Alex The Doge (ALEX): A Robust Contender

Alex The Doge (ALEX) emerged in 2023 as a rising star in the crypto sphere. As a new play-to-earn token, it introduces a powerful blend of gaming and finance. This unique combination of gaming and DeFi promises strong returns for its holders while ensuring constant engagement through its gaming interface. It’s an innovative approach to blockchain gaming that has been gaining significant attention from the crypto community.

Big Eyes (BIG): A Noteworthy Competitor

On the other hand, Big Eyes (BIG) is another noteworthy crypto token. Its unique selling point lies in its investment in arts and digital content creation, drawing in creators and consumers of digital art alike. However, while it’s gaining traction for its unique take on NFTs, its potential for the elusive 100x gain remains to be seen.

Battle for 100x: Who's Got The Edge?

When it comes to the prospect of a 100x gain on launch, a few factors come into play.

Alex The Doge (ALEX) seems to have an edge due to its innovative integration of gaming with finance. As blockchain gaming continues to gain momentum, Alex The Doge (ALEX)  stands a good chance of providing significant returns, given the right market conditions.

Big Eyes (BIG), though promising, hinges its success on the fluctuating world of digital art and content creation. While it has potential, the ability to provide 100x gains could be less certain due to the highly subjective value associated with art and content.

Investor Decision: Risks and Rewards

Investors deciding between Alex The Doge (ALEX) and Big Eyes (BIG) need to consider their risk tolerance and investment goals. While both tokens present exciting opportunities, they cater to different markets with varying risk factors.

Alex The Doge (ALEX) may be appealing to those who enjoy gaming and the potential of high returns that play-to-earn tokens promise. On the other hand, Big Eyes (BIG) could be a worthwhile venture for those interested in digital art and content creation.


As we dive deeper into 2023, the anticipation for the next token to offer the coveted 100x gain is palpable. In the battle between Alex The Doge (ALEX) and Big Eyes (BIG), the former appears to have a slight edge due to its innovative blend of gaming and DeFi. However, in the volatile and unpredictable world of cryptocurrency, only time will reveal the true victor. Investors must remain vigilant, conducting diligent research and staying abreast of the latest developments in this fast-paced market.

For more information about Alex The Doge (ALEX) presale use the links down below:

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