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Wootrade Token


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WOO Expands to Solana Using LayerZero’s OFT Standard

WOO Expands to Solana Using LayerZero’s OFT Standard

On Wednesday, the LayerZero team announced via X that WOO has expanded to Solana using LayerZero's OFT Standard.

 Hassan Maishera
Trading Fund Caladan Joins Woo X Social Trading

Trading Fund Caladan Joins Woo X Social Trading

On Tuesday, Woo X announced via X that the leading trading fund, Caladan, had joined its social trading platform.

 Hassan Maishera
The WOO/USD Exchange Rate Launches on the API3 Market

The WOO/USD Exchange Rate Launches on the API3 Market

On Saturday, the API3 team announced via X that the WOO/USD Exchange Rate is now available on the API3 Market.

 Hassan Maishera


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