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Ocean Protocol Token


All the latest news about Ocean Protocol Token

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AGIX Token Holders Approve the Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) Alliance Proposal

AGIX Token Holders Approve the Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) Alliance Proposal

The SingularityNET team announced via X on Tuesday that AGIX token holders have approved the Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) Alliance proposal.

 Hassan Maishera
Vote Now Open for SingularityNET, Fetch.ai and Ocean Protocol Tokens Merger

Vote Now Open for SingularityNET, Fetch.ai and Ocean Protocol Tokens Merger

The SingularityNET team announced via X on Thursday that its community members can now vote on the proposed mergers of SingularityNET (AGIX), Fetch.ai (FET), and Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) tokens merger.

 Hassan Maishera
Merger With FetchAI, SNET, And Ocean Protocol In An Effort To Advance AI

Merger With FetchAI, SNET, And Ocean Protocol In An Effort To Advance AI

Joining forces, Fetch.AI, SingularityNET (SNET), and Ocean Protocol merge their cryptocurrency tokens to challenge Big Tech's AI dominance.

 Nikolas Sargeant


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4.02 based on 985 votes


3.9 based on 339 votes


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3.94 based on 34 votes

Unstoppable Wallet

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Zengo Wallet

3.6 based on 35 votes


Learn more about Ocean Protocol Token.

One of the writers in our team will prepare a detailed review of Ocean Protocol Token in due course. Stay tuned!